Why God Why... Why should I know things which are trivial, yet they mange to bother me so much... Y cannot I just remain blissfully ignorant about these little facts, which will help me enjoy myself without worrying much..Before all you guys start wondering about wat I am talking about, lemme just give you a hint.. Its about Fashion, etiquettes etc.. Hold On HoldOn.. I am no Fashion Guru or a Connoisseur of fine arts or manners or something... But its just that, since I know certain facts, there is a subconscious urge in me to stick by them, even if it makes me feel a bit uneasy... How unfortunate...
I know its no biig deal, but just have a look at the list of things I haveto be careful about, just because of the fact that I am aware of it... Hope somebody understands my Misery... :)
Here Goes..
If you are wearing a Blazer, you must ensure that the last button of the blazer is left open. Only three fourths of the cuffs of your shirt should be visible. I never used to bother till i happened to read about it some place.... Cuff Links are supposed to be worn only with twin cuffed shirts. Thankfully, never had the ability to own an expensive pair of Cuff Links..
You are not supposed to wear White sox to office... And I always had a feeling that White means formal and made it a point to wear flashy WhiteS ox for each of my placement Interview... Seesh !!!
The color of your Tie and that of your sox should match.. And here I was thinking that the Shirt and the Tie matching was of most importance.. But hell no ! It has to match with the bloody sox as well.. Well here is some more about ties... The length of the tie denotes your relationship status.. Can you beat that !!!! If the length of the Tie is just above your waist, then you are a Single earning professional. If the length is upto your belt buckle and covering the same, then you are a married man, and if the length of the tie covers the belt buckle and is slightly below the belt, then you are married and you have kids....Thank God, there is nothing to show how many kids you have.. hehe... Man... Every Monday, I struggle to keep the length of the tie just above my waist... Something I woudnt even have bothered had I not known about it..
The Color of your Belt and that of your Shoes should match.. Um Well This is something which I always knew, but never bothered to follow, Until recently.. (An Honest Confession)
The Belt buckle should always face towards the right.. Well I should admit,this is something which I knew right from my school days.. So not much complains about that...
Formal wear mean propoer formal wear, But business casuals definitely doesn’t mean casual wear.. Friday Casuals means -- No Round necked or V necked Ts, only collared ones.. Faded jeans – A strict NO NO.. etc etc.. Something for which my company HR always used to warn me.... hehe...
Monday Formals are different from Tuesday and so on.. Well I have to make a Candid confession out here... This silly guy.. (yours truly) had a belief that any Full Sleeve Shirt neatly Pressed and flaunted with a Matching Flat front trousers means you are in formals... A Mistake which I corrected Longback.. But there are several additions to it as well.. On Mondays it should be only a Light Plain coloured shirt with matching trousers and a tie plus a BLACK Shoes.. Yes.. Brown leather is not meant for MondayFormals..(God only knows howmany people know and follow it as well..) Teusdays and Wednesdays can be a Combo of not too loud Cheks or Stiripes and can be paired with Chinos and Khakis... And Thursdays are the only days wen one can wear a Half Sleeve and still manage to get away without raising many eyebrows..
And now to the most interesting part .. for me that is...– Watches.. For some strange reason it is said that Watches are to be worn on the left hand.. (I prefer in the right hand though, which explain the strage part of it.. he he).. And you cannot own just one watch and be content with it... Wondering Why?? Well here z why.....
Along with Monday formals, don’t you dare to commit the blunder of wearing a Metal Bracelet Watch. It should be a leather strap watch the color of which should of course match with your belt and shoes.. Digital Watches are definitely out of the league till Thursday.. probably you can manage towear it on a Friday..
Shoes.. One thing which I wouldnt want to discuss much in detail here, coz I myself am not sticking on to what ever I am about to say.. So leaving it unsaid .. Wink Wink...
I have no clue as to many of you were even aware of the details ... But I sure hope it should bother you as well the same way it troubles me... Only then my purpose of this post will be served... :D.. And Ladies.. Dont you dare say that Guys dont have to bother much. All they have to do is wear a Shirt and a Trouser... Atleast now you would be aware of the pains we go through for that perfect look.. :)
Well thts about it.. Me signing Off..
Thats an enlightening piece of knowledge.. I admit i knew almost everything abt this except for the tie length & the relationship status!! Its actually interesting..
One more thing which u missed.. The color of socks shd always match ur pants... Though i don really think tht the shirt color shd match the socks...unless of course its upto you!! So happy dressing!! Be good! Dress smart & neat!!
Dude...we keep on discussing these things, but still few of them u never picked up in our discussion...I agree with you word to word..but there is always an element of personal choice attach..like no matter what, I feel white socks are always classy..dunno why...but thats how I feel!!
But a good one buddy!
@Sne>> Thanks for tip .. Yeah even I came to know abt the tie thing pretty recently... Struggling hard to follow it though.. :)
@Amrit>> I know ur obsession with white sox.. And ultimately it boils down to personal choice man... So no issues there.. White it is.. ;)
know what my little sis...she's in 6th std now was teasing me that boy's are boring they wear only pants and shirts they can't wear lips sticks bla bla....i just have to show her ur post now..:))
would like to follow ur blog but how??
@Gautam >> Heey Thanks a ton Brother... I am honoured.. Well I am sure your sis would appreciate our difficulty too.. he he..
Well U can follow a blog through a Link in your Dashboard...
Good one bloke.... I always hated mondays and boss' raised eyebrows... Why cant be we left to wear our choice of color rather than just white :(... Sigh !!!
Btw... I no longer have to worry about my dress code here... Sunday ho ya monday, juz have to be sanely dressed (Round neck, v neck, faded jeans... wat ever)... wink wink..
We so much envy you :(
Whoa.. Zack.. Lucky u are man !! too much !!!
Well Ashwin,thats an amazing piece of information....i always knew u were quite particular about dressing sense....pretty impressive....and just to share i always knew that the shade of the socks should be a shade lighter to the trousers.Anyways Smart dressing definitly increases self confidence as well.
Come on guyz... Most of the fun @ work here stops with freedom of dress code...
Read between the lines ;)
>> @ Sweta... Thanks a lot for dropping by... Well I myself am surprised by the number details I already follow.. he he..
Socks and trousers have a never ending relationship u know.. :) and I definitely agree that a well dressed individual definitely will have a good level of confidence.... :)
>> @ Zack... Even after reading between the lines, I fell u are better off.. hehehe.. :)
Mr Ashwin,
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Very interesting read - but I still have to say this aint much when compared to what women have to go through :)....it is all this plus another loadful....I dont want to even get started here... ;)
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