Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Good Times and Bad Times....

I had this wierd thought in my mind... Dont know if it applies to all, or is it just me !! But anyways.. feel like sharing it .. so here I go...
Why is it that when you are happy and things go on very smoothly, you seldom realize it and hardly appreciate it.... Things are picture perfect.. You are Sorrounded by all wonderful people, good friends and everything is just as you wanted it to be... But when you are living those moments you fail to realize how precious these moments can become sometime later in your life... These moments in life come and go real quick...
On the other hand, when Life moves outta track, when things get difficult, when you feel the world around you is crashing down, You tend to feel every bit of it... Every second feels like and hour... You feel you are stuck in that moment for ever.. Everything that was wonderful earlier turns out to be sour, you will miss all the wonderful people around you and feel all lonely and left out...
Y does one fail to understand Life has its on Peaks and Troughs.. Enjooy the peaks and survive the trough.. The deeper the better.. Coz you will apprciate the next peak even if its a very small one, which might have gone unnoticed if things were always perfect !!!
Whoa !! tht was too heavy a post !!! God... Somebody.. Plz pack me off to the Everst or the Amazon for a few days.. Else I will keep posting such stuff.. :)


Shamrez Zack said...

I can already see a composed Ashwin ;)

Ashwin said...

Ha ha.. Sure hope so buddy !! ;) thanks a loot....

sikta said...

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