I commute to office on my vehicle.. Hence a regular victim of all the traffic snarls, crowded junctions, maddening crowd, Blaring horns etc. Almost every day I take around 45 min to cover a distance of 10 KMs, which is not that bad considering the other Metro Standards..
Well the reason behind this post is definitely not the traffic jams I come across, but One dedicated individual who manages it. There happens to be a busy junction which needs to be crossed for entering to my office complex. There was this traffic cop who always used to GUARD that particular junction. This guy was never like the regular traffic cop that one usually sees on the roads. He was always well dressed, with neatly pressed white shirt and Khakhi trousers, Well polished brown shoes, and a very prominent gold framed Shades which used to be in stark contrast with his dark complexion. His stern face was graced by a thick moustache which kind of gave a strong message to the world as to who is in Command !
This guy was extremely strict, used to keep every road user on their toes. When he is in command, no vehicle is supposed to cross the yellow line before the signal, (which invariably is crossed by every single vehicle owner ), No Vehicle is supposed to honk, pedestrians are supposed to cross only using the zebra crossing, no one is allowed to just run across the road etc etc.. All those things which every Indian thinks is his / her birth right, were forbidden when he was around. Even though I have been using the route for almost a year, I happened to notice this chap only when he actually screwed my happiness in front of the entire public.
I was as usual waiting impatiently at the signal willing to zoom by as soon as the signal turns green. Suddenly I see this cop rushing towards me with all the vigor and he shouted at me. It was then I realized that I had crossed the yellow line next to the signal by a few feet. I did so without thinking as there were several other vehicles also ahead of the line. Though I was fuming at him at that time later I realized he was doing the right thing of making the crazy Indian roads a safer place to be. So, after this incidence, I always used to notice him at the signal. He was just the same to everybody who breaks the rules regardless of the fact if he is a pedestrian, a car, a two wheeler, a Bus or even if it’s a COP CAR. Yes I have seen him screaming his lungs out at a police car driver for jumping the signal.
I used to respect him for what he does. Neither the soaring temperatures of the Chennai summers used to burn his spirit nor the heavy rains could manage to dampen his motivation. He was always there at his best possible foot forward.
Off late something has been bothering me. For the past 1 week I haven’t seen him at his post. There was some other cop managing the junction, and the chaos was definitely not manageable by the new guy. At least I feel so. Initially I thought he wasn’t keeping well. Then I thought he might have been relocated to some other place. Gradually this thought just slipped my mind. And everyone including me was back to their usual self, I mean in terms of crossing the line, Jumping the signals etc..
A few days pass by then suddenly I see our cop back at his post. I wished he recognized me, because I wanted to pass on a Hi to him and say how glad was I to see him back on Job. Unfortunately I noticed something different. He seemed to have lost the characteristic sternness on his face. His shirt was half out and was full of creases, He was unshaven, his thick moustache had lot of grey hair peeping out, He wasn’t wearing his shades and to top it all, I didn’t see the vigor in him in handling the flow. Pedestrians were running across the road, Vehicles were jumping signals, bikers were cutting in form the wrong side of the road and to all this our cop was just a silent spectator. Had it been an isolated situation like for a day or so, It wouldn’t have bothered me. But this has been happening for the past one week.
I seriously wish that he gets back to his form and vigor and takes control of what I feel belonged to him. He would have been just another shabby traffic cop for me had I not known how he was, had I not seen how he used to command and get respect from all the road users alike. This is exactly the reason that was bothering me.
I have no idea what he is going through, what is bothering him, but whatever it is I just hope he comes out of it. May be, there isn’t anything that is bothering him, but just that his current state reminds me a bit of myself when I had lost track of life… And believe me its not a pleasant phase to go through!
I hope everything gets back to normal soon…
A sweet and a thoughtful post. Even i hope that things get back to normalcy in his life. This post reminds me of a chaatwala.
Many a times strangers become a part of our daily lives and we share an invisible bond with them. We may not have exchanged a conversation with them or may not even know their names. We may just exchange looks or smiles daily when we commute or pass by a particular junction. Its so human to feel for a person who is nobody to us.
@ Shas >> Thanks a tonne gal.. Exactly.. One never realises how a total stranger assumes major part in your day to day life..
Wud love to knw more abt the chatwaala as well.. :)
Good u noticed those minor things in life which we often ignore. why dont u talk to that guy and ask him?? just a thought
@ Santa >> Dude.. I have thought about the same.. But was wondering how I will just strike a conversation on the same all of a sudden.. May be will do so some time....
Excellent post buddy... my visit to your space has always given me some learning about life.. COMPASSION is the order of the post..
Keep writing, keep enlightening.
Note:- Ash, this post is so full of your dad...the kinda language, human touch, care and observation I would associate to his posts.. Convey my regards to Uncle :)
@ Zack.. Thanks a loot buddy.. I am honoured.. Somehow I tend to notice these things and put these thoughts across.. Thanks again for appreciating the same..:)
Will definitely pass on your regards to my Dad man.. Will definitely do so..
Hi Ash,
Like Santa said, why don't you talk to the guy and let him know what a great job he did been doing and how you wish he got back to his former self. After all, all of us need some appreciation to keep us going.
@ Nivi >> Hey thanks a bunch for dropping by gal.. Well yeah. I think I should do it... But unfortunately, he aint seen at his post again...
May be the next time I see him, will definitely speak to him.....
Kash !
:-) very endearing. now that i think of it,there are so many such people around me,but we are so wrapped up in our own lives that we seldom or never notice.
I can recall a beggar couple I have been seeing since I was a kid...but I think I'd better write this as a blog post...only then will I be able to describe it better...
thank u for this thought...
take care!
wow!! its a very touching one, wen people are so busy with their lives and wen there is hardly anytime for our loved ones... this post does make us stop and think a while "about and for" others... good one bro!! i too wish everything comes back to normal for him as well as u guys on road!!
@ Mishree .. My pleasure gal.. Pleased to know that I was of some help here...
Looking forward for your post soon gal.. :)
@ Aparna .. Hey Sis... even I dont realise from when did I take notice of this chap, but for some strange reason it actually is bothering me..
Thanks a bunch for dropping by.. Do Keep visiting... :)
very nice post to read this new year's...missed quite a bit here it seems - Happy 2010 to you, loved your travelogue on Hanoi...and the pics..ok, let me catch up on the rest
@ UL >> Glad to know my posts could be of some use to you.. eh he... Wishing you a wonderful twenty ten as well..
Keep Visiting and keep encouraging.. :)
Ashwin ... i read this post long back but as you can see am taking my own sweet time to post a commemt. Perhaps because it made some impact. Belive me when i say that i have used your views to rationalise behavior of some people whom i have come across hence.
Nice work dude
@ Larry... Thanks a Bunch da.. Pleased to know that at least whatever I write is making some impact in somebody's life... I am happy that this comment actually comes from you...
Thanks again mate.. !
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