I often find myself amidst conversations where I wonder, is the listener actually listening ! Blame it on the non stop nonsense that my talking is often referred to. But how does one actually find if we are sounding "boring" to the listener? Well based on my little research and experience, this is what I have observed.... Read on to find out more....
Repeated, perfunctory responses. A person who says, “Oh really? Oh really? That’s interesting. Oh really?” is probably not too engaged.
Simple questions. People that are bored ask simple questions. “When did you move?” “Where did you go?” People that are interested ask more complicated questions, which shows curiosity, not mere politeness.
Interruption. Although it sounds rude, interruption is actually a good sign. It means a person is bursting to say something, and that shows interest. Similarly …
Request for clarification. A person who is sincerely interested in what you’re saying will need you to elaborate or to explain. “What does that term mean?” “When exactly did that happen?” “Back up and tell me what happened first” are the kind of questions that show that someone is trying closely to follow what you’re saying.
Imbalance of talking time. I suspect that many people suppose that they usually do 80 percent of the talking in a conversation because people find them fascinating. Sometimes, it’s true; if a discussion involves a huge download of information desired by the listener, that’s a very satisfying kind of conversation. In general, though, people who are interested in a subject have things to say themselves; they want to add their own opinions, information, and experiences. If they aren’t doing that, they probably just want the conversation to end faster.
Body position. People with a good connection generally turn fully to face each other. A person who is partially turned away isn’t fully embracing the conversation.
Audience posture. Back in 1885, Sir Francis Galton wrote a paper called “The Measurement of Fidget.” He determined that people slouch and lean when bored, so a speaker can measure the boredom of an audience by seeing how far from vertically upright they are. In addition, attentive people fidget less; bored people fidget more. An audience that remains upright is still interested, while an audience that is horizontal and squirmy is bored.
I often remind myself of La Rochefoucauld’s observation, “We are always bored by those whom we bore.”
Well that is a cursory glance at identifying boredom... Hope it did not bore you guys as well.. hehe....
Image Source: Google Images
Repeated, perfunctory responses. A person who says, “Oh really? Oh really? That’s interesting. Oh really?” is probably not too engaged.
Simple questions. People that are bored ask simple questions. “When did you move?” “Where did you go?” People that are interested ask more complicated questions, which shows curiosity, not mere politeness.
Interruption. Although it sounds rude, interruption is actually a good sign. It means a person is bursting to say something, and that shows interest. Similarly …
Request for clarification. A person who is sincerely interested in what you’re saying will need you to elaborate or to explain. “What does that term mean?” “When exactly did that happen?” “Back up and tell me what happened first” are the kind of questions that show that someone is trying closely to follow what you’re saying.
Imbalance of talking time. I suspect that many people suppose that they usually do 80 percent of the talking in a conversation because people find them fascinating. Sometimes, it’s true; if a discussion involves a huge download of information desired by the listener, that’s a very satisfying kind of conversation. In general, though, people who are interested in a subject have things to say themselves; they want to add their own opinions, information, and experiences. If they aren’t doing that, they probably just want the conversation to end faster.
Body position. People with a good connection generally turn fully to face each other. A person who is partially turned away isn’t fully embracing the conversation.
Audience posture. Back in 1885, Sir Francis Galton wrote a paper called “The Measurement of Fidget.” He determined that people slouch and lean when bored, so a speaker can measure the boredom of an audience by seeing how far from vertically upright they are. In addition, attentive people fidget less; bored people fidget more. An audience that remains upright is still interested, while an audience that is horizontal and squirmy is bored.
I often remind myself of La Rochefoucauld’s observation, “We are always bored by those whom we bore.”
Well that is a cursory glance at identifying boredom... Hope it did not bore you guys as well.. hehe....
Image Source: Google Images
It was interesting ..not at all boring...
I too hv come across such situations at times..where I could amke out by the body lsnguage n response tht the person is not interested..not always because you are boring... but may be because he is preoccupied in somethin else... so at such times...i stopped talkin...waiting for them to respond attentively :)
Good Post Bro .. See i told you that experience counts and thats what you are gaining at Polaris ...:)
Hi Ashwin
That was quite an insight...
N now that u’ve pointed it out...i guess u do have a point*rather many good points* there...
You seem to be a keen observer...
Don’t know though if u bore others...coz here this rambling sounds interesting:-)
And that end quote “we are always bored by those whom we bore”...awesome:-)
@ Urvashi...
First of all a very very warm welcome to my space... I completely agree with your take that listeners need not be bored all the time... It may be just lack of interest...
But I have always had a tough time in retaining the interest for a long time.. Any tips on how to grab that ever elusive attention?? :)
BTW, keep dropping by and keep blogging....
Cheers Kash !!!
@ Vishal.. Hope all this experience proves worthy dude... hehe...
@ Suruchi...
Hello there.. Soo very glad to find you in my space... "Keen Observer" -- Happy that you keenly Observed that.. he he:) Thanks a ton......
Yeah.. even I found the quote really catchy and sort of stuck to my head from the moment I read it...
Would like to make an honest confession here.... Your tumbling thoughts actually help keep me awake through many of those sleepy afternoons in office.. :)
Do keep visiting... and as always keep posting..
Kash !
Go on buddy...we all are listening :)
@ Shas .. Thanks again for the motivation.. he he... Hope it keeps me going....
Hi! Ashwin,
Where have you disappeared? Check out my blog. There is something waiting for you :)
Hey Shas...
Well I have been in a laazy slumber for as long as eternity i guess...
Jus loved the award.. Thaaaaanx a bunch.. It was real nice of u... :)
Good one...the interruption part of ur "research" reminded me of my very close friends one whom i interrupt and the other who interrupts me;) While i dont know which one is the devil but it surely means atleast some one is listening ..:)
I am not bored by your post... Keep Blogging. :)
P.S. Nice post. :P
@ Swechha... Believe me.. Its always tough to get hold of good listeners...
@ Colours of boulevard ...
First things first.. A very warm welcome to this space... :)
:) Great to knw that these ramblings didnt bore you.. Hope the opinion stays the same once U read the other posts as well ... :)
Thanks again... And Do keep visiting and Keep Blogging..
P.S .. A surprise comment is always a great motivator to revive the blog.Thanks again 4 tht.. :D
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