I tagging a few of my buddies as well.. Deepthi, Zack, Dad, UL, Nikki.. Guys.. Plz try it out.. Its interesting... :)
1. Were you named after anyone?
Guess my previous post would explain that … Wink...!
2. When was the last time you cried?
Excuse me.. Guyz don’t cry… Bet this is passé…. Apparently it was last evening itself. I was watching Taare Zameen Par.. The last scene, where Ishaan gets the award, I didn’t even feel like struggling to hold back the tears. It was a direct hit at the heart !! And I bet, even the most stoic person would shed a tear or two… :)
3. Do you like your handwriting?
Love it.. Except when I am completely bored.. It gets really ugly…
4. What is your favorite lunch meat?
5. Do you have kids?
6. If you were another person, would you be friends with you?
If I were another person, I would have definitely been ‘Good Friends’ with me as I am a very buddy buddy kinda guy…
7. Do you use sarcasm?
Yes I do. Use it a loot to tease friends.. No harm intended though !! But its fun...
8. Do you still have your tonsils?
Yes! No idea why this questions figures in here....
9. Would you bungee jump?
Oh yes, Very baaadly! I never got a chance to try it out have been wanting to do it …
10. What is your favorite cereal?
Rice…I guess… …
11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
Always…. I Neva take em off without untying them.. The only reason behind it being the fact that it would be equally difficult to put them back on the next time with the laces still tied!!
12. If you were to pick your own first name, what would it be?
It would definitely be Ashwin , again…
13. What is your favorite ice-cream?
Chocolate. All time hit in my case....
14. What is the first thing you notice about people?
What kind of shoe, and what brand of Watch is he/she wearing.. Believe me it gives a loot of info on the Personality of an individual. The next thing, of course is the way the individual speaks…
15. Red or Pink?
RED.. I hate anything to do with PINK… it’s a personal thing..
16. Whom do you miss the most?
Ma nephew…. Aryan…
17. Do you want everyone to complete the list?
Yes.. I would definitely expect the people I forward the List to complete it…
18. What color clothes are you wearing?
Faded Blue Jean + White Short sleeve Tee .. :)
19. What are you listening to right now?
Illusions and Dreams – Poets of the Fall
20. If you were a crayon what color would you be?
21. Favorite smells?
Hugo Boss – SOUL and also.. Fuel - Petrol, Fresh Paint, and Fresh Coffee on a rainy day… Whacky choices huh…
22. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
Silly question !!!! Anyways it wouldn’t be of any use here…
23. How do you know the person who sent this to you?
Well, he is my Colleague, my buddy the guy who inspired me to restart this blog which I had almost let it go !!! Thanx a lot mate…
24. Favorite sports to watch?
F1 and Moto GP... The only sports which deserve my precious time before the TV... :)
25. Hair Color?
26. Eye Color?
27. Do you wear contacts?
No…neither glasses
28. Favorite Foods?
Mexican Red Wave Pizza – with extra cheese and a chilled Coke
29. Scary movies or happy endings?
Depends on the mood!
30. Last movie you watched?
The Day the Earth Stood Still
31. What book are you reading right now?
The White Tiger – Want to find out why d hell it won the booker prize.. :)
32. Summer or Winter?
WINTER alwaays !!
33. Hugs or Kisses?
Both are needed but if I have to chose one, I would prefer a “I am there for you, always” Hug over a Kiss… Waiting with my arms wide open.. ;)
35. Describe your pencil cup?
My company’s coffee mug got became my Pen- stand recently… A White cup with a huge Logo of my company all across the mug !!!
36. Favorite Artists?
Darren Hayes, Nickelback, Poets of the fall, Eagles, Linkin Park, Akon …
37. What kind of music are you into?
Rock, trance, and Hip-hop
38. What is on your mouse pad?
I use the touchpad..
39. What did you watch on TV last night?
The making of Departed, Followed by the Lonely Planet on Travel and Living ………..
40. Favorite Sound(s)?
A Yamaha R1 roaring its engines in the First gear, A Mclaren Mercedes F1 car zipping towards the finish line.. Aah !! Heavenly Bliss !!!
41. Do you sing or play an instrument?
I only sing when I am in the Mood.. I used to play the Keyboard.. My mom still abuses me for giving the hobby away half way through !!!
42. What is the farthest you’ve been from home?
I had a chance to visit Taiwan and Hong Kong in the recent past.. Till date the farthest point from my hometown in Trivandrum, Kerala
43. Do you have a special talent?
I have no idea if it’s a special talent or not, but I have this amazing ability in me to go and spend my time and money on things which I actually never wanted !!! Trust me.. I never learned from my mistakes… hehe…
44. Where were you born?
In a small and sleepy city >> Trivandrum, the Capital of Gods own Country…
45. Favorite piece of jewelery?
A simple , Thin Platinum chain
46. How did you meet your spouse/significant other?
Sob sob.. Yet to find the perfect match….
47. Favorite Song?
That’s definitely not a fair question to ask !!!
48. Favorite Musical Movie?
Sound of Music
Phew.. Finally.. Man It was a loong one.. But Worth it.. I tell you.. Some of these questions did really get me thinking...