Several times I have wondered what is it that makes me write... Well to be very honest I had started this blog just as a trip log when I used to go on frequent biking trips. It used to be just a periodical update on the different places visited, different experiences etc. Even my blog name was riderash.blogspot.com.. :o) Initially I used to enjoy it, but later on when the excitement died down, so did the frequency of my posts.
After a while I did change the content of my blog.. Started writing on two wheelers and automobiles and F1 sports etc, stuffs on which I can go on for hours together. Stuff which really interests me.. But then i realised i wasn't blogging in the true spirit. I was just sharing my interests and views on the latest happenings in the automotive world. I felt as though my blog had become an update centre of the auto industry without doing proper justice to it. Gradually the posts dwindled..
My blog had literally gone on a long slumber as I had completely left it for a while. Though there was always something in me that used to tell me, "Ashwin, Dude, revive your blog man, think of something, do something".. But still there was no action at all.
2008 December.. An incident in my life jolted me so wildly that I was just knocked out of my regular track. It was a really tough time and with no one around I decided to just pen down random thoughts. I realised that this was the place where I could just honestly express myself without caring about anyone else. Unknowingly I started to love the freedom associated with writing in my own space. I could express my opinions on anything..
It was at this point that I realised that all this while I was thinking of a topic to write about, an idea to keep my blog alive, when I actually don't need a particular topic that confines my thoughts. I want it to be boundryless. I no longer felt like - " Oh today I have to post something ". The feeling was more like - " Wow, I can write about this too.. " That explains the current blog name - mymindscribblings.blogspot.com.. A random scribbling pad for the never ending thoughts that flow everyday.
Psst... :o) All this high Funda gyaan on free flow of thoughts etc apart, I should honestly admit that the real reason that motivates me ultimately is the lovely comments that I receive from my wonderful readers who still put up with my crap and the increasing number that you see on the little blue widget below. [Yes.. I have managed to scale up from a poor 31 to a fairly decent 69 on the Indiblogger rankings.. :)]..
Am I letting my free flow of thoughts get tainted by a meagre number game or am I actually expressing my thoughts ... Umm.. I don't know the answer.. I leave it to you guys....
Kash !
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Hi Ashwin,
Dropped by from the facebook link you shared. This is my first look at your blog since the 'travelogue' phase. Didn't know you have re-started writing!! Now that you have, keep it up! Enjoyed reading some of yours posts, and also putting you up on my feedburner. So I don't miss out on your blog again!
you are definitely maturing as a writer...definitely taking after your Dad...keep writing...the more you write, the more you will discover the workings of your mind...- didnt realize you were on FB too..
@ Aparna.. Hey sis.. keep visiting and be ready for sudden surprises.. :)
Thanks a tonne... Keep visiting..
@ UL > Thanks a loot UL. I definitely would love to find that out by myself.. he he.. Yes.. I am on FB.. please do add me along...
@ Aparna.. Apologoies for the mistaken identity... Actually even my Sis's name is aparna.. So I was wondering its her... :)
A very warm welcome to my space.. Please do drop by when ever you find time... :)
"Riderash" sounds interesting. Its better to write that appeals to oneself rather than write out of compulsion.
Hi! u haven't written for almost two weeks. Wake up dude.... :D
@ Shas > he he.. riderash was something tht I used to call myself in college .. he he..
Yea.. I have to wake up from my slumber.... :) will post something soon..
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