So here I go...
Nothing promotes Bonhomie as much as a smoke... Wondering what the hell I am speaking about?? Well... I have always observed this thing, One guy is smoking and there is somebody else who needs a light.. and thats it.. Off they go into a casual conversation.. A cigarette butt usually turns out to be the best conversation starter ever.. You Meet somebody for the first time at a smoking joint, share a light, share some light moments discussing economy, weather, etc etc.. Meet the person again at the joint the next day and there you go.... Good buddies from then on...
A smooth Ice breaker... Yes !! I have often seen this... Juniors going out for a smoke with the seniors.. Its one place where both the parties discuss work casually, off hand without the messy Boss - Subordinate relation.. The uncomfortable silence which usually creeps in can easily be blown away with the smoke.. I have seen guys developing a good rapport with their bosses, even talk about appraisals, better job offers etc over a smoke.. Which is definitely a positive score.. :)
Burn out your worries... "Don't drink and Drive, Just smoke and fly".. This is the motto that keeps the spirit alive, vouches one of my best buddies.. If you are in some tension, something is bothering you, just burn em out with a smoke.. I fail to understand how it works, but it definitely helps loads of people in easing out the worries..
Oodles of attitude....This is one thing that cannot be denied at any cost ! No matter what people say, A smart formal attire flaunted along with a cigarette surely scores on the "COOL QUOTIENT" front !! This is a personal opinion and may not be accepted by all.. I strongly do feel so ..
Well.. that's the best of the lot that I could gather on the positives on smoking.. But I still maintain, none of these have ever motivated me to take up smoking.. and hope nothing ever will.....
Thatz all 4 now !!!
So finally some smokey thoughts removed your writer's block huh....
Dude...this post is awesome and is real real different! Now I understood what took so much time to post a new one :)
Nevertheless....smoking kills! :)
@ Zack >> Finally even I had to take up to smoking to kindle my toughts.. I fyou know wat i mean !! he he :)
@ Amrit >> Thanx a loot buddy.. Just that this thought was running in my head for some time.. Jus penned them down !! :)
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