A Smiling Face doesn’t indicate the absence of Sorrow, but it only indicates that they have ability to Deal with Them.... I just realised how true this statement is...
It was a regular day at office.. The same old Solution Document preperation, the endless discussions to arrive at a Solution, so tht i could tweak the response, deadlines,escalations so on and so forth...
Enough for any guy to loose his senses.. Adding to it the fact of me being equally pissed from morning for some other reason..
It was already 9 in the night.. I was riding back home, praying to reach home ASAP.. All I needed was a wonderful cup of tea, and my muzik collexxion to tak e me to a world far far away....
Phew.. finally home sweet home.. This was the last thought that ran in my head just before I entered the main road !! I am in the main road and Voila.. I have got myself into a wild and crazy collexion of Buses, trucks, Autos, bikes and cars all of em honking wildly to make their way through a heavy traffic... It ususally is never this crowded at this time of the night... The last thing I wanted after a baad day at work... Greeat !!!
Soon even before I could realise, I too added to the already sky rocketing decibal levels by honking my shrill horn to find my way through the traffic...I felt a bit guily for abusing a guy for blaring his horn some time back and now I am doing the same.. Sheesh !!!
My Mood was going from Bad to worse to Mad !! All of a sudden,a well dressed, educated elderly man, jus jumped out from the side of the road asking me for a lift.. I was about to abuse him for his recklessness, when he passed on a Wonderful smile, apologising for his mistake.. The warmth and genuiness in his smile made me forget everything.. And we were off.. As it was the highway, I did not bother to ask him where he wanted to go, neither did he bother to tell me.. After a couple of minutes of uncomfortable silence, I decided to break the ice, and started complaining about the traffic, the weather, and all the trivial stuff jus to keep the silence away.Little did I realize that I was cribbing too much.. The man answered to all the questions calmly, with a smile on his face all the time.. Not once did he get irritated.. I later realized that even My temper had sobered down ...
As soon as we reached Lifeline Hospital, The gentleman asked me to stop the Vehicle.. I will get down here Boy.. Thanks a loot son.. he said, again with a warm smile on his face..I couldnt resist myself from asking, what he was doing at the Hospital at this point in time... And beleive me.. I wasnt ready for his answer.. He said he had a Son of my age who has been admitted in the ICU for the last One week.. He had run out of cash. His debit cards were not working in the ATM with in the hospital.. His vehicle didnt start, so he hired an Auto to the nearest ATM some 5 KM frm the Hospital.. (The place where I picked him up from). since none of the Autos were ready to take him back in the traffic, he had to hitch a ride with me !!!
I was spellbound.. Here is a man who's son is in a critical condotion at the hopital, His ATM card dosent work, His Car wont Start, The Autos wont take him back to the Hospital when its urgent.. Inspite of all this he alwaays managed a pleasant smile on his face, Was not cursing or cribbing about what ever was happening around him..And Here I was who was snapping at anything and everything around me just coz I had a hard day at work !!!
After the man walked into the Hospital, I still stood there watching the man walk in, trying to digest what he just said... Thts wen i realzed the power of smile and its healing power... I dont even remember the name of that Gentleman, but what he taught me in those 15 min that he was with me, is something that I will cherish my entire life..
I bet your Son will be perfectly fine pretty soon..