Initially when I got this forward, I didnt take it so seriously at all.. Me not being the typical, oh protect our Earth for our children, our future kinda guy, I thought, who will remember to do such a thing or even who will bother to do such a trivial thing. The Myopic view point had hit me real hard. The only thing pulling me down was a silly thought that how does it matter If i am the only person who is bothered to turn off the lights and sit...How wud it help the global cause of worry.
I never ever realised that, if everybody starts thinkng like me, finally no one would end up doing it... Just a thought... Why do human beings always have the tendency of thinking about what others are doing?? The HERD MENTALITY (hey.. I know very little of HR. so I flaunt the jargons where ever Ican... plz dont mind.ha ha.... ). If you want to do something for some one, bloody well go ahead and do it !! Dont think of others...
I have to admit, I was really surprised by the way the 'Earth Hour' thing had gained popularity. I mean, i hadnt seen any of the ADs, in the so called youth Channels like the MTVs,Channel Vs etc.. or even the latest news providers like NDTV, CNN IBN etc hu didnt care 4 anything other than the IPL venue being shifted out of India which shattered the hosts Shahrukh and Priety Zinta.. Oh comon !!!I think inspite of not getting complete support from the media for the right cause, the Internet (though being partof the same media)played a wonderful part in in giving the "Earth Hour" a shot in the arm. I was in for a warm surprise when I received a mail from my 8 year old neighbour, saying I am doing my bit by participating in the Earth Hour, Are u?? I was just wondering, If an 8 year kid knows her responsibility very well and is ready to contribute towards a global cause, what should be stopping us?
If you do not feel the need, you will always have a 100 excuses to support you ! But if you actually want to do your bit for a safer tomorrow, without much effort, this is the least you can do !!!Another thing which I myself am trying to do is, Spread the Message.. Please do not wait for others to start off and you decide to follow. Like they say.. Be the change !!!!!
To be very frank, I do not know how much my participation will support the "global cause". I do not know will it be of any help at all. But still I think what is wrong in giving it a try.
Its my sincere request to everybody ..... please appreciate the beauty of darkness atleast for one hour, on the 28th... Let us all make it happen !!!
www.earthhourus.org/ -
Hi Ash,
There needs to be a great support from media and people to work for a cause like Global Warming. As you've said, the "Earth Hour" got enough publicity from (TV)media but I think that News Channels had no other news happening out side to show. I don't believe that the Media (News Channels) in India assume proper responsibility and work for truth and harmony.
Anyway...It was a nice post...feelings nicely put down. Keep blogging.
Oh, we had a blast observing earth hour...at home, cooked up cheese fondue and gathered around candles to eat and chat for a whole hour....lasted more than an hour though!! Disappointing was the fact that hardly anyone, except a handful of people, even bothered about it.
@Amrita >> Thanks a lot for taking time out...
Atleast there were a few like minded people hu observed the Earth Hour religiously...But u hit right on the target coz it hardly matters to many now... Its highly Unfortunate...
Looks like u guys had a nice time out cooking.... A good way to spend time for Mother earth... he he..
Keeep Posting, Keep Visiting...
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